Situations more than a century ago served as impetus for new mathematical discoveries and developments currently displayed on hobbies.
"A mathematician is worth a good hobby, and contributes more to mathematics than a dozen articles mediocre". John Edensor Littlewood
One such situation is that of color maps with certain restrictions.
Coloring a map with the minimum number of colors so that countries with a boundary line (and not just a point) do not have that color was an issue first raised by a student at Edinburgh , Francis Guthrie in 1852. From it came to Augustus Morgan of which he could not solve the problem, but extended the challenge from other mathematicians. The conjecture that four colors were sufficient became famous when Arthur Cayley in 1878 proposed it to the Mathematical Society of London, one of the most important mathematical societies in the world at that time, as a problem to solve.
In 1879, the English jurist and mathematician Sir Alfred Kempe published he believed to be a demonstration, but years later found an error in his proof.
not an easy problem. In the late nineteenth showed that five colors suffice and that three colors are sufficient to color any map. In 1950 it was known that if the map was less than 36 countries can be colored with four colors, and in 1976, with the help of computers, concluded that four colors suffice.
tested with the mainland.
Coloring a map with the minimum number of colors so that countries with a boundary line (and not just a point) do not have that color was an issue first raised by a student at Edinburgh , Francis Guthrie in 1852. From it came to Augustus Morgan of which he could not solve the problem, but extended the challenge from other mathematicians. The conjecture that four colors were sufficient became famous when Arthur Cayley in 1878 proposed it to the Mathematical Society of London, one of the most important mathematical societies in the world at that time, as a problem to solve.
In 1879, the English jurist and mathematician Sir Alfred Kempe published he believed to be a demonstration, but years later found an error in his proof.
not an easy problem. In the late nineteenth showed that five colors suffice and that three colors are sufficient to color any map. In 1950 it was known that if the map was less than 36 countries can be colored with four colors, and in 1976, with the help of computers, concluded that four colors suffice.
tested with the mainland.
have two hourglasses to measure respectively 3 minutes and 5 minutes. These watches do not have as intermediate bar, ie they can only measure the time between the fall of the first grain of sand and the last. Using the clocks we measure exactly four minutes. How can we do?
A fichologo place 7 pieces and draw a circle that contains 4 tabs. You draw two circles so that each tab is separate. Note for perfectionists: it is not making perfect circles, but to round out the chips.
Quote of the Day:
"If time is the most expensive, the loss of time is the greatest of the extravagance" Benjamí n Frankl in
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