The power of a story
While the Egyptians and the Chinese were playing chess in antiquity, it is believed that this game originated in India and that came about in the V century, C.
According to legend, an adviser to King Hiram III called Sissa , seeing the king was very saddened by the death of his son on the battlefield, he offered a game to cheer. That game had a board and two groups of pieces representing the king's army and its enemy. The king began to play and had to sacrifice one of his pieces to win. Sissa took to say "sometimes, to achieve a victory is necessary sacrifice." King he understood the remark received is referred his son and thanked him offered the reward he wanted. Sissa asked wheat grains resulting from placing a grain in the first square on the board, two for second, four for third, eight for the fourth box and so on until the box 64. Hiram
accepted the request, which I consider ridiculous. When making calculations , the king's advisers were realized it was impossible to meet the real order.
a) draws a checkerboard
b) indicates the board grains would have to give the king to the tenth box.
c) how many beans would go in the thirteenth?
d) why you think it was impossible to comply with the reward?
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