Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cakes With A Musical Theme

I think therefore I exist. Eclipse de Luna

need to write about something other than you. Hidden even mention your name. Write about any stupid concern that occupy people's time as a war of those which killed all but their perpetrators, or on current events, which are filled with empty content and does not contribute anything to anyone, or hopefully , a lie that one for us out by addicts to lie without realizing it. Clearly I need to write, but also to escape and evade the weight of my sword. If you understand something about football - so distracted that - talk about the odd Brazilian that was mounted on the altar of the rich and famous and no one it is lowered through the pile of money you earn, but understand only the bottle crashing to the ground, or against someone, when the air foolish anger fills my throat.

Through my fingers on the keyboard I downloaded the tension that gives me neck pain, lack of attention, love sex and urgent need for solitude. But I will not say a word about you. I know you're the center of my .... I said I would not say a word about you. I read a poem that reminds me of you, but do not remember. I've talked to people about unimportant banalities that do not deserve spending time it takes to say, but I forgot what we talked about. The remaining things remind me of you.

I find myself addicted to lying and deceit, causing wars that will not break me, or throwing a bottle to the ground when I am victim of my own anger. Even things that remind me of you, take me to you. So today I've written something that was not about you. I think therefore I exist.


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