Who are Danny and Darius?
is half Danna. At one time, back 521 years capricious BC, was Prince of Persia, Pharaoh of Egypt. His conquests he grew accustomed to war status. Darius is madness, unreason, drive, struggle. Only 70 years ago was a warrior - younger than his own gun - out of obligation rather than blood or a prince battling conviction. Darius is the rush to live, fighting against time, before us and implacable, and since the salutation, the farewell tested. Darius active means, that is why we moved the conscience of Danna. So far is the love of war, each Darius who lived, suffered the distance between them. So each new incarnation of Darius was transformed gradually to change the arrows by words. Darius iron spits words are his weapons, which weigh heavily on the beautiful Danna, and that no mortal can bear. Danna
is half of Darius. 521 is the muse of love poetry. The protagonist of a story without end. Goddess was of literature in the Celtic culture, and learned the magic you share with Darius reading the books of the Merlin. Danna is the goddess of the broken mirror. Unlike Darius, is the eternal question, and through her path, sometimes alone, sometimes reflected in the smile of Darius. Danna means nutrition or religion, is the food of Darius, the one on the altar of the warrior. Danna is the picked up the horizon with his hand and gave it to Darius is the perfect shade of blue you saw the perfect life, which seems impossible. This is the calm, the analysis, the fight against itself. Escondida is, for fear turtle is. It is the nurse who healed the wounds of the young warrior, all but she opened it, and today, from another life, from other bodies, remains open.
Who knows if this blog can help us know whether we are talking about the latest incarnation of Darius and Danna. If politics, society, culture - or its absence damn - this time, is an astral conjunction favor of love or loving the look, the more slave money that no heart. If you can plunge finally and forever, in the sea when the tide of happiness will untie the hands. If it is true that the circle is closed, or however, the infinite points that compose it will always open, at least until the target crossing the eyes of another Danna and other Darius. If it is true that insanity and the question are compatible, complementary, and can learn to dance a tango together. If the warrior prince of endless words, discover - without conquests - the goddess, the muse and the angel in the same Danna. If the two can fly with only one pair of wings, a pair of sheets. If it is true that a kiss is a song without words or music, the most beautiful songs.
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