Geometric Applied In Architecture
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Read Free Watchmen Online
I enjoyed walking
looking at the sky because the whole floor was way for it. He admired the horizon because I never met more bearable limit.
He was interested in the flags. It was always the fastest way to find out what name to the wind.
Juan Luis Blanco
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thin And Light Tablet
In my opinion, since each one separately would have spent on your pair of shoes a different amount, should share the money they have saved in proportion to what they were going to spend. There may be people who think the savings to be divided equally, or otherwise, but I think it should be in proportion to the money they intended to spend, because the product that takes one is more valuable than that of another, and must pay more for it. Once
made it clear the objective, we do accounts: Carmen has been a product of 2000 while George has been one of 3500, meaning that for every 20 euros of value two carmen, Jorge takes 35 or a ratio of 4 to 7.
That means that for every 11 euros to pay, should pay 7 Jorge and Carmen 4. Since they have been paid between the two 3500, by dividing this number by 11, gives 318 with 18 cents (there is no exact), in my humble opinion, Carmen would have to pay 318.18 * 4 = 1272.73 (rounded) and Jorge 318 , 18 * 7 = 2227.27, making a total of 3500. Looking
what you have saved, Jorge will have saved 1272.73 and 727.27 Carmen, which in both cases corresponds to a savings rate of 36.36%.