Friday, August 28, 2009

Virtue Ethics And Abortion Hursthouse Summary

... " " All science, even the most abstract and mathematical, has on the individual, as has been in humans, an experimental home . The first experiences are simple observations of events that life itself presents for our consideration. The analysis of these facts raises the desire to artificially create new ones, to submit it to study and compare "

Piug Adam.

Euclid (300 BC), define: Definition 4. A straight line is that which lies evenly with the points on it. Definition 15. A circle is a plane figure contained by a single line (called the circumference) such that all straight lines protruding from one of the points within the figure (to the circle) are equal. Definition 16. And he called point center the circle. Definition 23. straight lines parallel are straight lines, being in the same plane and be extended indefinitely in both directions, are found in any of them.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funny Thing Write Wedding Card

The rice cracker


geometry has always been one of the tools used by the artist in their work. For example, through her different structure elements within a particular artistic work , or create shapes that by themselves can be beautiful.

are called "center" those places that, within a play, hold the viewer's attention. The artist directs the centers of attention in his work used ndo as a resource, geometry.



These two triangles are geometrically the same, but different from the artistic point of view. While that the triangle A, resting on its base, gives a feeling of rest or immobility, the triangle B, to be supported at its apex, seems to be in unstable equilibrium, in tension, as if any was time to move left or right.

These tri angles often used is to sort the centers of a work , with the intent to cause different sensations.

For example, e n the box i) has been used a scheme based on a triangle with the base well established and its apex at the top. S and seeks give a feeling of serenity and rest.

On the other hand, the inverted triangle or supported at its apex is used to show stress, conflict, indecision, etc.. For example, in the box ii) , the artist has used an inverted triangle structure to reflect the tension in balancing the confrontation between the two players who have not yet completed game.

i ) J. Van Eyck, "Madonna Enthroned breastfeeding the child." XV century

ii) P. Cézanne, "The Card Players," 1890

The following table represents Rafael gentleman in his sleep has to choose between the pleasures of beauty symbolized by the woman and the flower, or the culture and value, it is the woman with the book and the sword. As you can see, the composition scheme is presented through an inverted triangle, whose vertices are in the eyes of two women and heart of the knight.

P. Cézanne, "The Card Players," 1890

Of course you can also find works where and l triangle appears, not as a compositional resource, but as the main form. This work by Kenneth Noland, is formed by overlapping triangles.

Activity .

  • Search r, in work of Leonardo da Vinci , as a composite picture scheme triangular .

Bibliography : - Plastic and Visual Education, 1 cycle of ESO. Abado Ruiz, Ma Luisa and others.

- "The sixteenth century Italian Renaissance " . Valdearcos , Enrique.