Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Catholicconfirmation Letter To My Daughter

Space and time

no longer hear or Sinatra or Beethoven. I do not see the light. How would the heat that gave me that from the center of the sun I'm feeling cold? I have cold. Nothing more than that.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Can You Retrieve A Deleted Recording On Uverse


need more space. Somebody enlarge a bit the cell or leave me out in the yard from time to time to ensure that the clouds also loom dark gray next to the prison wall. More room to walk in shoes that pinch me yet. Find a place that nobody knows where they keep the secrets that nobody knows. The unrepeatable Danna secrets that only I know. I need a space where people do not know me and can tell everyone that Darius called me (and not otherwise). I need a room to change my space by any of the other vertices of the diamond, the two triangles, and can get used to the idea that I am not, nor Danna, the only one who grabbed the dark hand of fear.

need time. I need at least fifty years to know if I can keep living like this or not. If I do well to emulate the warrior Dario 60 years ago, that blighted their lives for a bounce, or should assess whether it is worthwhile to take off the mask of the face, and no one else thinks of me that I am a cheerful and jokes very witty. I need time to get ready, to take care, in case some day the next fifty years Danna and I find by chance, I say I'm handsome. Darius is cute. Danna is magic in his words. I need time to time I put in my place. To not have to think that we have lost, to not have to think that he has been at the expense of two others. Because we will not be the first winners or losers early.

need space and time to compose a song that lasts fifty years. So we still do not know how it starts. Still do not know how it ends. I know this is not the right way to face reality, but I'll be better. A bit of space. A little time.